The effects of mobile speed cameras on road safety

Organisation: Dave Finney (author)
Date uploaded: 29th October 2013
Date published/launched: November 2012

Using data from the Thames Valley region, this report argues that while official reports consistently find large reductions in the number of KSI casualties at sites after speed cameras were deployed, that these reductions were not caused by the speed came

Using data from the Thames Valley region, this report argues that while official reports consistently find large reductions in the number of KSI casualties at sites after speed cameras were deployed, that these reductions were not caused by the speed cameras.

It suggests that KSI casualties would have reduced substantially anyway, without any speed cameras, largely as a result of RTM (regression to the mean).

The methods used in the report were challenged by Richard Owen, who was operations manger of the Thames Valley Safer Road Partnership at the time that data was provided to Mr Finney for his report. Mr Owen outlined his concerns in a response to the report which is available below as a download.

For more information contact:
Dave Finney

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