Organisation: Gwent Police
Date uploaded: 7th July 2010
Date published/launched: September 2009
This film is about Cassie COWan, a nice girl from a nice Gwent valleys family who kills four people because she used her mobile and lost concentration for a few seconds. The film has been viewed more than six million times on YouTube and other websites.

It is hoped the film will become part of the core schools programme across Wales and ultimately the UK.
Along with colleagues in other emergency services, Gwent police facilitated the film’s crash scenes because they want to stop all drivers, but particularly young and new ones, from causing accidents.
More than 300 teenagers from all over Wales were auditioned to take part in the film, nine police vehicles were involved and both the police and air ambulance helicopters featured.
State of the art digital special effects were utilised to show the impact of what would happen inside the car during the crash.
Gwent Police worked closely with the production team including the University of Wales Newport, Tredegar Comprehensive School and local partners including the council and Probation Service.
The result is an impactive road safety educational tool designed to help reduce the number of collisions involving young drivers across Wales.
For more information contact:
Gwent Police