Organisation: Staffordshire County Council
Date uploaded: 15th July 2010
Date published/launched: January 2010
Speed Sense is a training product for use on a PC or laptop. Through videos, interactive tests and quizzes, it actively encourages drivers to consider the effects that even a small amount of excess speed can have.
It is designed to help motorists understand and explore the reasons why they exceed speed limits, which will in turn help to identify their weaknesses and make them a safer driver. It demonstrates how to change driving habits and become a safer and more responsible road user.
In January 2010 Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership began offering a copy of Speed Sense to drivers attending a speed awareness course in the county. The product covers many topics covered in the course and enables attendees to practice what they have learned in the comfort of their own home – and to pass on what they learn to friends and family.
Speed Sense can be used to compliment and support a range of other driving-related initiatives including community speed watch, pre-driver training and the Pass Plus Scheme.
This is a paid for resource and stock can be ordered direct from the publisher, Focus Multimedia, a publisher of driving test software since 1997.
For more information contact:
Adrian Hide