Northern Ireland seatbelt survey April 2011: Wearing Rates in cars

Organisation: Department for Infrastructure (NI)
Date uploaded: 11th January 2012
Date published/launched: July 2011

This is an annual survey of seat belt wearing rates and mobile phone use throughout Northern Ireland.

This is the 22nd in a series of seatbelt surveys conducted annually in April, with the exception of 2001 when a survey was carried out in both April and October.

The majority of this report concentrates on seatbelt wearing rates in cars only. However, in addition to the 16,553 cars observed there were 474 taxis and 1,628 vans observed under the same conditions. The details of 754 taxi occupants and 2,104 van occupants were recorded, with the main findings also presented in this report.

98% of car occupants observed used a restraint. 98% of drivers and 97% of front seat passengers wore a restraint, as did 95% of back seat passengers. Over the last year, the seat belt wearing rate for drivers and front seat passengers has remained at 98% and 97% respectively, while for back seat passengers it has increased from 92% to 95%. The gap between male and female driver wearing rates was 7% in 2002 (87% for male drivers and 94% for female drivers). This gap has continually closed to 2011 when both male and female driver wearing rates were reported as 98%.

1% of drivers were observed using a mobile phone (0.8% were using a hand-held phone and 0.2% were using a hands-free phone). This is a similar finding to 2010 when 0.8% of drivers were observed using a mobile phone while driving.

For more information contact:
DOE Northern Ireland
T: (028) 9054 0808

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