Driving Change: Investing in Safer Roads (report)

Organisation: Road Safety Foundation

Date of publication: November 2024

Uploaded to Knowledge Centre: 29 January 2025

Investing £2.5bn into high-return road safety schemes could prevent more than 17,000 deaths and serious injuries over the next 20 years, saving nearly £9bn in societal losses in the process, according to this report.

The annual crash risk mapping report, this year titled ‘Driving Change: Investing in Safer Roads’, is published by the Road Safety Foundation. The report analyses the performance of road networks in England, Scotland and Wales, identifying investment opportunities based upon the Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) that should be achievable on each road.

The BCR is based on typical levels of casualty savings on treated routes, relative to the crashes that have happened over the last six years. These savings are monetised and compared with typical costs per kilometre that have to be spent to reduce casualties by this much, giving an estimated BCR for each route.

Click on the link below to download the report.
