i-Size website

Organisation: Stennik & Child Seat Safety
Date uploaded: 30th July 2013
Date published/launched: July 2013

This website provides information about the new European wide i-Size standard for child car seats, introduced in July 2013.

This website provides information about the new European wide i-Size standard for child car seats, introduced in July 2013.

The first phase of i-Size was introduced across Europe on 9 July to run alongside the existing R44.04 standard, which it will eventually replace.

The i-Size campaign and website has been developed by Stennik, the road safety communications consultancy, in consultation with Child Seat Safety.

The i-Size website includes a comprehensive FAQ section which provides the answers to questions typically asked by parents and carers.

There is a range of i-Size information resources (leaflet, poster etc) available for road safety teams and other organisations to purchase.

For more information contact:
Sally Bartrum
T: 01379 650112

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