Policing’s Road Safety Strategy for Devon, Cornwall, Torbay, Plymouth and the Isles of Scilly: 2018-2021

Organisation: Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner, Devon & Cornwall
Date uploaded: 12th December 2018
Date published/launched: November 2018

Devon and Cornwall’s police and crime commissioner launched a new strategy, with a particular focus on vulnerable road users, to mark the start of Road Safety Week 2018.

The strategy was published by Alison Hernandez, who also leads on road safety for the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners.

The strategy recommends adopting a ‘safe systems’ approach, combined with greater enforcement of the law and improved driver training.

There is also a focus on the ‘five highest causes of fatal accidents’; inappropriate speed, failing to wear a seatbelt, distractions, driving under the influence of drink or drugs and careless or inconsiderate driving.

Unveiling the strategy, Alison Hernandez said: “With 12,500 miles of road across the two counties there’s simply no way that police alone can enforce our way out of this problem – it’s up to us, the driving public, to change our behaviour.

“With a few simple changes and a collective effort between emergency services, local authorities and driving educators I am positive we can make great strides in making our region a safer place for all road users.”

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