Active travel (walking and cycling): April 2018 to March 2019

Organisation: Welsh Assembly Government/Road Safety Wales
Date uploaded: 26th November 2019
Date published/launched: November 2019

This bulletin comprises a range of information collected through the National Survey for Wales about active travel by people during April 2018 to March 2019.

Active travel is measured as walking for at least 10 minutes or cycling to get to a particular destination. The following levels of activity were found (only including journeys made for active travel purposes).

Main points
• 6% of adults cycled at least once a week. This has changed relatively little over recent years.

• 57% of adults walked more than once a week. This is broadly unchanged from the previous year.

• 70% of people in urban areas walked for more than 10 minutes as a means of transport at least once a month, compared with 56% of people in rural areas.

• Men, younger people, those without limiting illness and those who have qualifications were more likely than others to cycle.

• Younger people, those without limiting illnesses, those with qualifications and people from urban areas were more likely than others to walk for more than 10 minutes to get to a destination.

• 44% of children actively travel to primary school, and 34% to secondary school.

• There were 225 seriously injured pedal cyclists admitted to hospital in 2018-19.

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