Walking and Cycling Statistics, England: 2016

Organisation: Department for Transport
Date uploaded: 8th February 2018
Date published/launched: January 2018

This statistical bulletin shows that on average people made 243 walking trips (covering 198 miles) and 15 cycling trips (covering 53 miles) in 2016.

Looking at longer term trends, walking trip rates decreased by 19% between 2005 and 2015, from approximately 4.7 trips per week to 3.8 trips per week.

Between 2005 and 2015, the decline in walking stages made by women (13%) was larger than it was for men (10%). Whilst most age and gender groups show a decline, those in their thirties made 6% more walking stages in 2015 than their counterparts in 2005.

The average distance walked also decreased across the same period – down 8% from 3.8 miles per week to 3.5 miles per week.

However, the distance people cycled increased by 26% in 2016 compared to 2006, up to an average 53 miles per year from 42 miles per year.

Combining data from 2014 to 2016, on average, males aged 11-16years cycled most often at an average of 39 trips per year. For women, those aged 30-39 years cycled most often at an average of 13 trips per year.

Those without access to a car were slightly more reliant on cycling as a mode of travel, making 3% of all their trips and distance travelled by bicycle. This compares to 1% of trips and distance for those with access to a car.

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