Organisation: World Health Organisation & FIA Foundation
Date uploaded: 18th May 2010
Date published/launched: May 2011
The ‘Decade of Action for Road Safety’ is setting out to stabilise and then reduce global road deaths by 2020.

This Decade of Action was first proposed by the Make Roads Safe campaign. More than a million people have supported the call for UN action. Now, with political will and increased resources millions of lives could be saved. The campaign will work to hold governments and institutions to their commitments, to ensure that the Decade is Action.
The campaign’s main aims are:
• To get governments and the UN to commit to a Decade of Action for Road
Safety with the aim of reducing by 50% the projected increase in global road
deaths between 2010-2020;
• To help achieve this they want the international community to finance a $300
million, 10-year, global action plan to catalyse improvements in road safety
in developing countries;
• To call for the G8 donor governments and major lending bodies, such as the World Bank, to ensure that at least 10% of their multi-billion dollar budgets for road construction and upgrading in developing countries are dedicated to road safety.
For more information contact:
UK Make Roads Safe Campaign
T: +44 (0)207 930 3882