Organisation: Child Accident Prevention Trust
Date uploaded: 15th July 2010
Date published/launched: Pre 2009
Child Safety Week is the Child Accident Prevention Trust's flagship community education campaign.

Thousands of local activities help to make Child Safety Week the great success that it is. In 2009 these local activities reached around six million children, families, grandparents and carers, with face-to-face information and advice about preventing accidents. There are many examples of local child safety week activities on the CAPT website.
Who is it for?
Child Safety Week is for anyone working with families or children. People working in a nursery, children’s centre, GP surgery, school, your own home, in the community, in road safety, in fire safety or somewhere else with children or families, can get involved with Child Safety Week. The emphasis of the Week is on empowering families to take action rather than on telling them what to do or lecturing them about what they are doing wrong.
Accident prevention is not about restricting children or wrapping them up in cotton wool. Instead it’s about creating safer environments where children can be active and thrive. Child Safety Week provides an opportunity to get this message across to parents and children in a fun and engaging way and help parents learn how to fit safety into their busy lives.
You can sign up to the CAPT database, via the CAPT website, and receive a free toolkit for Child Safety Week 2011 (19-24th June) as well as CAPT News every month to keep you abreast of the latest developments in accident prevention.
For more information contact:
Pam Prentice
T: 020 7608 3828