Impact of digital road side advertising on driver behaviour and road safety

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    Ryan Penn

    Can anyone point me to any UK (or wider) research which considers the impact on road safety and driver behaviour of digital road side advertising?


    There was a CEDR study in 2018/19 that TRL had involvement which was concerned with the safety effects of such advertising. The literature review is available to download. Most other studies are from overseas, e.g. Australia. TfL published a document on proposed best practice in 2013 – guidance for digital roadside advertising by watermans. Those positioned behind traffic signals are a particular concern. It may be worth checking planning appeals too. Sheila

    Andrew Fraser

    Hello, Ryan.

    I have twice tried to reply to you, so this is my last effort!

    If you Google (e.g.) – digital billboards jerry wachtel sweden – you’ll find a wealth of info on the topic. Jerry Wachtel has spent many years on it, but it’s very difficult actually to prove what we might instinctively feel.


    Ryan Penn

    Hi Sheila / Andrew – Thank you both for your suggestions, much appreciated. I will make a start on those resources and see where I get. Thanks again, Ryan.

    Verity Truelove

    Hi Ryan

    The following open access article is a systematic literature review that looked at the impact of roadside advertising signs on driver behaviour and road safety:

    Kind regards,

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